Northern Neck Mixed Martial Arts Academy was founded by two brothers, Rob and Marshall Shermer. The main focus of the academy is to build stronger minds, bodies, and spirits by training in world class curriculum which have been passed down to them through their coaches. Professor Diego Bispo promoted Rob to brown belt in February of 2020. Professor Diego has won world championships in both GI and NO GI, and continues to develop students into world champions. He is one of the best in the world and we are blessed to have him as a figure head in our academy. Jose Aguirre is a coach of the same caliber in the world of Muay Thai. He has developed such a great program that he is one of the coaches selected to represent the country in the United States Muay Thai Federation and travels around the globe with some of his own students to represent our country! They are undoubtedly two of the best coaches in the world and the brothers have the support and blessing from them to open this academy! Together they will develop their students into martial artists with the ability to defend themselves and their families when necessary. The students will become more disciplined, healthy, confident, and happy. Rob Shermer We offer world class Brazilian Jiujitsu instruction led by head instructor Rob Shermer. Rob is a BJJ brown belt under Professor Diego Bispo in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He began his martial arts career in the United States Marine Corps. He has had 12 MMA bouts and multiple Jiu Jitsu competitions along the way. He is currently the head Jiu Jitsu instructor at UFC Gym Virginia Beach. Marshall Shermer We offer world class Muay Thai instruction led by head instructor Marshall Shermer. Marshall is an experienced practitioner being trained by Kru Jose Aguirre at East Side Muay Thai in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He began his martial arts career training BJJ and Muay Thai in 2015 and making his MMA debut shortly thereafter. He has had 11 MMA bouts, 1 championship Thai fight, and multiple Jiu-Jitsu competitions along the way.
7962 General Puller Hwy, Topping, United States
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